Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 10 Club meeting

Hello everybody-
Just a reminder that our next ten club meeting is just around the corner. It will be Wednesday the 20th at 8:30 at our new stake center. This will be our last meeting before we break for summer, so hopefully everyone can come. We are doing a really great project this month. Julia Lyman has a relative on a mission in Ethiopia who has said that they are in great need of white cotton dress shirts for the Deacon aged boys. They will need the white shirt when they are ordained to pass the sacrament. We will be purchasing as many shirts as we can and sending them to Julia's relative to distribute to the boys in need. We will be talking more about where these shirts will be sent and who they will be sent to at our meeting so come, it should be a lot of fun. Hope to see you all there.
-Magen Smith-

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

I've been so inspired by you guys and I will be starting my own Ten Club this month. Thanks so much for sharing the amazing projects that you have done.