Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pictures from last meeting

I actually had my camera so here are a couple snapshots from last meeting. Thanks everyone for coming & if you weren't able to & would still like to donate, please bring your $10 to either me & Magen Smith.
Thanks! Lindsay

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thanks Everyone

The snow's going to melt and this is what we'll do...I have faith.

Last night we had a great time and a great turn out. The hats were DARLING and a lot of us learned a cute new craft for our daughters/nieces/sisters, etc. I forgot my camera last night! So, no footage. Bummer.
After the activity, some of us stayed after and were chatting about some more ideas for service and for our monthly activity. We came up with a few things, but we need more.
Will everyone please keep their ears and eyes open and maybe even ask around so we can find people who are truly in need of some compassion and service right now. It could be an organization, a family, or even a person. Please post any ideas in the comments or e-mail them to Lindsay at
Thanks everyone!

Friday, April 3, 2009

April Meeting

Our next 10 Club meeting will be on April 15th. For the service project we will be buying cute beanie hats & making flowers to go on them for Primary Children's Hospital. I think this is such a neat project because I am sure most families have dealt with cancer in some way. We didn't raise a lot of money from last meeting & would love to be able to raise more. If you would like to donate your $10, please bring it to either Joanna Chase or to me by this next Monday (April 6th) so that they can order as many beanies as possible. Thanks for all you do! And please let me know if you have any questions or need anything!
